Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Wedding Weekend Festivities

It's happening... My friends and I are growing up! 

Next weekend one of my friends from high school is the first of our group to get married. I am so excited for her! So this past weekend we had her bachelorette party AND bridal shower. It was a crazy weekend, but such a fun time with my best friends.

Over the next few years, I know I'll be attending and/or planning lots of wedding activities. These are some of my favorite finds and ideas for an amazing bridal shower:

row 1: dessert table
row 2: macaroon gift bags
row 3: cupcakesquiz

click on the links below my inspiration board for more great ideas and diy projects!


  1. OOhh...love the peonies in the vase. Those colors are beautiful!

  2. I want those macaroons!! And the cupcakes are so cute :)
    Modern Modest Beauty
